Crashes with 18-wheelers cause significant injuries. These injuries can range from very minor cuts and bruises to life-threatening brain injuries. Victims of these crashes might choose to seek compensation in an effort to recoup some of the money they had to spend because of the accident. Understanding these four points can help you along the way.
#1: Determining the cause of the crash is crucial
The cause of the crash is a primary factor, right after medical care, when a big rig strikes you. There are many causes of semitruck crashes to consider. Trucker distraction, fatigue or negligence are all possible. Factors that go beyond the trucker might also occur. These include defective equipment and pressure from the trucking company. Reviewing the evidence of the accident might help you to determine the cause of the crash.
#2: Negligence must be a factor
In order to recoup money, negligence must be a factor. Examples of negligence include a driver who is driving too fast for current road conditions or one who isn’t paying attention to driving duties. Trucker distraction and fatigue also fall under the negligence category. Understanding how the negligence concept applies to your case can help you as you move forward.
#3: Put it all together
When you decide to seek compensation, you must put your case together. You must show that the accident was due to negligence on the defendant’s part. The defendant might be the trucker, trucking company, insurance company and any other party that played a part in causing the accident. You also must show that the injuries you are suffering from occurred in the accident. You then must show that your injuries led to the financial damages for which you are seeking compensation.
#4: Consider possible resolutions
Most semitruck accident injury cases go through the settlement process. This is often a faster resolution than waiting to take a case to trial. During settlement negotiations, you may hear an offer for a structured settlement. This means that instead of getting all the settlement funds now, you will receive regularly occurring payments per the settlement schedule.
The offer might include a larger initial payment to help you pay bills. Typically, settlement offers include clauses requiring the terms are kept quiet, no future claims can be made and there isn’t an admission of fault. Consider these and other points carefully when thinking about a settlement offer.