The King Law Firm, PLLC
Consistently Exceeding Your Expectations In Gulfport

Modification Requests And Your Rights

Do you need to modify a child custody or visitation order, child support order or alimony award? There are strict laws and guidelines that need to be met before a judge orders a modification. A lawyer can help you understand your rights involving modifications of orders.

At The King Law Firm, PLLC, we are here to help. Representing clients in Gulfport and throughout Harrison and the surrounding counties of south Mississippi, attorney Jacob King will guide you through your case so you know what to expect and what options are available.

Direct attention, personal advice and the confidence that you are getting the best representation possible is what you will receive. We are dedicated to helping his clients through their family law issues with care and cost-effective services.

Modifying Alimony

Exes can petition the court for a modification of their period payment alimony award. Lump sum alimony awards cannot be modified. Individuals need a valid reason to request a modification such as job loss or substantial change in income, special hardship or an emergency situation. Approved modification requests can result in reduced alimony payments or in some cases, being relieved of alimony obligations.

Modifying Child Support Or Child Custody

The modification of child support is based on the needs of the child and the requesting parent proving a material change in circumstances which has an adverse effect on the minor children. Reasons for a request can include job loss, change in income or a change in the child’s financial needs. Child support payments impact both parties.

Our attorney has experience representing individuals seeking a reduction in child support and those receiving child support payments. His knowledge and ability to work on both sides of these issues helps him find the best approach to take in your case.

Child custody modifications can be difficult to obtain. Judges always put the child’s best interests first so parents need to prove a significant change in circumstances and how modifying current orders would be in the best interests of the child.

Finding A Cost-Effective Approach

We take the most cost-effective approach in your case by explaining how the modification process works, what your options are and how to prepare for the future. We know these issues are stressful. Our lawyer will provide close and personal attention to you and will always be available to answer your questions.

Schedule A Initial Consultation

Contact us by calling 228-206-5935 to get started. Modification requests can be time-consuming, so it is best to look into your options as soon as possible.