Choosing the right school for your child can become a major factor in custody decisions. Courts consider how schooling choices affect a child's well-being, stability, and development. Parents must work together to decide on education, or the court may step in when...
How does the rise of virtual visitation impact child custody?
Technology has changed how families handle child custody. Virtual visitation uses video calls and other digital tools to help parents and kids stay connected when they can’t see each other in person. Courts and families are finding new ways to make this work, and it...
Can a custody agreement be modified for a child’s changing needs?
A custody agreement reflects the best interests of the child at the time of its creation. However, as children grow and their needs evolve, the original agreement may no longer be suitable. In such cases, either parent can request a modification to the custody...
How to navigate joint custody with ease
Divorce brings monumental changes to a family's dynamics, routines and relationships. For children, this new reality can be particularly confusing as they struggle to adjust to new living arrangements and cope with the emotional aftermath of their parents' separation....
How to prepare for a child custody hearing
Preparing for a child custody hearing can be a challenging and emotional process. However, careful planning and organization will help you ensure the best outcome for you and your child. Knowing how to properly prepare for a custody hearing can help you reduce stress...
Managing your emotions during a child custody dispute
Child custody disputes can be emotionally challenging for all parties involved. However, it is very important to manage your emotions during this difficult time to ensure the best outcome for your child. To increase your chances of a favorable outcome, you should...
Is remarriage grounds for custody change in Mississippi
Divorce often brings about many changes in the lives of both parents and children. One change that can have a great deal of impact on children is the remarriage of one or more parents. A question that may arise in the face of this is whether or not this is grounds for...
What is the Mississippi Access and Visitation Program?
Divorced parents can have difficulty settling issues concerning their child, especially if their circumstances affect how they honor their custody and visitation arrangements. These issues can cause disputes between parents, making it difficult for them to collaborate...
Child support arrears and your U.S. passport
Whether you recently became involved in the divorce process and anticipate child support obligations or you have paid support for many years, you need to understand the penalties that you could face if you do not stay current. Child support arrears can cause...
Crafting a comprehensive child custody plan
Navigating through a divorce or separation can be challenging, particularly when involving children. At the heart of most parental disputes is the child custody plan, a document that outlines how parents will care for their children post-separation. When crafting this...